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Application Process for Medical Marijuana in New York

In New York, the process for medical marijuana application is streamlined and patient-centric. As of 2023, patients simply need a certification from a registered healthcare provider, eliminating the need for specific qualifying conditions or state registration for a medical marijuana card​​​​​​.
This blog provides a concise guide on this process, crucial for patients seeking legal access to medical cannabis in New York.

Medical Marijuana in New York

Application Process for Medical Marijuana in New York

The application process for medical marijuana in New York has been significantly streamlined as of March 2023, marking a pivotal change in the state’s approach to medical cannabis access. This updated process eliminates the need for patients to navigate through a list of specific qualifying conditions or undergo the traditional state registration and MMJ card issuance. 

Now, the focus is on a simplified certification process managed by healthcare providers. Under this new system, patients seeking access to medical marijuana must obtain a certification from a New York State licensed healthcare provider, who has the discretion to recommend medical marijuana as a treatment option. 

This certification automatically registers the patient in the state’s medical marijuana program, including a registry ID number essential for purchasing medical marijuana products from licensed dispensaries. This change reflects New York’s commitment to making medical cannabis more accessible to those who may benefit from its therapeutic properties.

Table of Contents

What is the Legal Status of Medical Marijuana in New York?

As of 2023, medical marijuana is legal in New York. The New York State Medical Cannabis Program, initially implemented in 2016, has undergone significant amendments, notably with the Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) in March 2021. 

This Act enhanced patient access to medical marijuana by expanding the range of qualifying medical conditions, increasing the number of caregivers a patient can designate, and broadening the categories of available cannabis products.

How Has the Medical Marijuana Policy Evolved in New York?

The evolution of medical marijuana policy in New York has been marked by gradual liberalization. The introduction of the Medical Cannabis Program in 2016 laid the groundwork for the use of medical cannabis in treating various conditions. 

With the passage of the MRTA in 2021, New York further expanded the accessibility and scope of medical marijuana, allowing thousands of residents to benefit from its therapeutic use. These changes indicate a shift towards a more inclusive and comprehensive medical cannabis policy.

What Are the Initial Steps in Applying for Medical Marijuana in New York?

For patients seeking medical marijuana in New York, the first step is to obtain a certification from a healthcare provider. Eligible healthcare providers include those who are registered and licensed in New York State to prescribe controlled substances. 

After completing an OCM-approved course, these practitioners can certify patients for medical cannabis. The certification process can also be conducted via telemedicine services. Once certified, patients can use their medical cannabis certification, along with a government-issued photo ID, to purchase cannabis products from licensed dispensaries.

Who is Eligible to Apply for Medical Marijuana in New York?

In a significant update in March 2023, New York eliminated specific qualifying medical conditions for medical marijuana access. Now, healthcare providers have the discretion to decide whether their patients’ conditions qualify for medical cannabis use. To be eligible, one must be a legal resident of New York and obtain a healthcare provider’s certification that deems medical marijuana appropriate for their condition. 

This MMJ certification in New York, containing a registry ID number, enables the patient to purchase medical cannabis. Healthcare providers eligible to prescribe medical marijuana must complete specific training and be registered to prescribe controlled substances in New York. Minors can also access medical marijuana through a designated caregiver, following a similar certification process.

Accessing Medical Marijuana in New York

How Can Healthcare Providers Certify Patients for Medical Marijuana in New York?

To certify patients for medical marijuana in New York, healthcare providers must meet specific criteria and follow a defined process:

  1. Practitioner License and DEA Registration: Providers need to have an appropriate practitioner license and a DEA registration to lawfully prescribe controlled substances within New York State. This includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, podiatrists, and midwives.
  2. Completion of a Two-Hour Course: Before certifying patients for medical marijuana, healthcare providers must complete at least a two-hour course. This course covers various aspects of medical cannabis use, including pharmacology, contraindications, side effects, adverse reactions, overdose prevention, drug interactions, dosing, and the risks and benefits associated with cannabis use.
  3. Utilizing the Medical Cannabis Data Management System (MCDMS): After the course, practitioners can use the MCDMS, located within the Health Commerce System (HCS), to certify qualifying patients for medical cannabis.

What Training is Required for Healthcare Providers to Recommend Medical Marijuana?

Healthcare providers aspiring to recommend medical marijuana must complete a minimum two-hour approved course. The course is available online and includes comprehensive content on the medical use of cannabis. 

Topics covered in the course include cannabis pharmacology, contraindications, side effects, adverse reactions, overdose prevention, dosing, routes of administration, and the overall risks and benefits of cannabis use. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are offered for the course, making it beneficial for healthcare professionals in their practice.

What is the Process for Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Certification in New York?

The process for obtaining medical marijuana certification in New York is relatively straightforward:

  1. Consultation with a Healthcare Provider: Patients must consult with a New York State certifying healthcare provider. This can be done in person or via telehealth services.
  2. Assessment of Medical Condition: The healthcare provider assesses the patient’s medical condition to determine if medical cannabis could be beneficial.
  3. Issuance of Certification: If deemed suitable, the provider issues a medical cannabis certification, which contains the patient’s registry ID number.
  4. Auto-registration in the Medical Cannabis Program: Upon receiving the certification, the patient is automatically registered in the New York State medical cannabis program. This eliminates the need for separate registration with the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM).

What Information is Included in the Medical Marijuana Certification?

The medical marijuana certification in New York includes critical information such as the patient’s registry ID number, which is essential for purchasing medical cannabis at licensed dispensaries. The certification, along with a valid government-issued ID, is all that is required for patients to buy medical cannabis in New York. 

The certification process ensures that patients have undergone an appropriate evaluation by a qualified healthcare provider and are registered in the state’s medical cannabis program.

MMJ Card

How Do Patients Renew Their Medical Marijuana Certification in New York?

As of March 20, 2023, New York State has transitioned from issuing physical medical marijuana cards to focusing on medical cannabis certifications. The renewal process for these certifications has also been updated to reflect this change.

  1. Online Renewal: Patients now have the option to renew or extend their medical marijuana certifications online. This can be done through telemedicine consultations with certifying healthcare providers.
  2. Renewal Frequency: Medical marijuana certifications in New York are valid for one year. However, healthcare providers have the discretion to set a shorter expiration date. Notably, for terminally ill patients, providers can leave the expiration date field blank.
  3. Consulting a Healthcare Provider: To renew the certification, patients need to consult a registered healthcare provider in New York who is licensed to recommend controlled substances. This list of eligible providers, including those offering telemedicine services, is available from the New York State Department of Health.
  4. Cost of Renewal: While the certification itself is free, patients must pay for the consultation with their healthcare provider. The fees for these consultations can vary.

Can Changes Be Made to an Existing Medical Marijuana Certification?

If a patient’s new certification number differs from the previous one, they will need to re-register with the state. This is essential to maintain eligibility for medical marijuana access. The process involves gathering necessary documents such as a physician’s certification, photo ID, proof of New York State residency, and, for minors, a birth certificate.

FAQs About Application Process for Medical Marijuana in New York

Is a medical marijuana card required in New York?

As of March 2023, New York replaced medical marijuana cards with certifications from medical practitioners.

How do I apply for medical marijuana in New York?

Consult a healthcare provider to assess suitability for medical marijuana. The provider, after evaluation, will issue a certification with a registry ID number.

Can I renew my medical marijuana certification online?

Yes, patients can renew or extend their certifications online through telemedicine services.

What are the qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in New York?

New York no longer lists specific qualifying medical conditions. Healthcare providers have the discretion to decide if a patient’s condition qualifies for medical marijuana.

Do I need to be a New York resident to get a medical marijuana certification?

Yes, patients must be legal residents of New York.

How often do I need to renew my medical marijuana certification?

Certifications are valid for one year but can be set for a shorter duration by the healthcare provider.

What if my certification number changes?

If the certification number changes, you’ll need to re-register with the state.

Can minors receive medical marijuana certification in New York?

Yes, but they must access medical marijuana through a designated caregiver.

Can I use an out-of-state medical marijuana card in New York?

No, New York does not offer reciprocity for out-of-state medical marijuana cards.

What is the cost of getting a medical marijuana certification in New York?

While there is no fee for the certification, patients must pay for the consultation with the healthcare provider, which varies in cost.


Navigating the medical marijuana application process in New York can seem daunting, but with the right resources, it becomes manageable. By referring to the official health department and cannabis management websites, you can access step-by-step guides, necessary forms, and detailed FAQs that will streamline your application journey. 

Whether you are a patient seeking relief or a practitioner looking to certify patients, these resources will ensure you have the information needed to comply with New York’s regulations and successfully obtain your medical marijuana certification.









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